HVLAT: Extremity
Joplin, MO
Enjoy our Early Bird Discount through October 15. Sign up today!
This two-day course is comprised of 80% practical and 20% didactic training. The primary focus will be on the development of the psychomotor skills needed to safely and effectively deliver high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust (HVLAT) manipulation to all remaining diarthrodial and select synarthrodial joints. This will include techniques directed to the temporomandibular joint, the anterior rib articulations, and the extremities. Also provided will be a brief background of non-vertebral HVLAT, guidelines to direct appropriate use of non-vertebral HVLAT, and a review of the evidence regarding vertebral and non-vertebral HVLAT in the management of upper and lower quarter neuromusculoskeletal conditions. All IMMT HVLAT courses have been approved for 15 contact hours by PT state boards where the courses are held, as well as the Board of Certification (BOC) for athletic trainers.
10 class spots available